AFPSAT Result 2024 List of Passers | AQE SWE Full List of Passers @

AFPSAT Result 2024 List of Passers @ Check Below :- The Army Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test (AFPSAT) is a test administered by the Philippine Army to determine the aptitude and suitability of individuals who wish to join the army as officers or enlisted personnel. The test is composed of multiple-choice questions that assess the examinees’ Abilities in areas such as Math, English, General Information, and Leadership Potential.

To Take the AFPSAT, individuals must first meet the Basic Qualifications set by the Philippine Army, such as being a Filipino citizen, of good moral character, and having completed at least a high school education. They will then need to submit an application and pass a series of Physical and Medical Examinations.

2024 Schedule, Requirements & Reviewer :

The AFPSAT is usually Administered twice a year, usually in the month of April and October. The Test Results are usually posted on the official website of the Philippine Army ( or can be obtained by contacting the nearest Philippine Army Recruitment Center.

Please note that the information provided here is general and may change from time to time. It is recommended to check the official website of the Philippine Army or contact the nearest Philippine Army Recruitment Center for the most up-to-date information on the AFPSAT and requirements for Joining the Army.

AFPSAT Result 2024 List of Passers @ Check Below

The list of passers for the Army Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test (AFPSAT) in 2023 is not available as the test has not been administered yet and the knowledge cut-off is 2021. The release of the list of passers for the AFPSAT is usually done after the test is administered and the results are tallied. The list is usually posted on the official website of the Philippine Army ( or can be obtained by contacting the nearest Philippine Army Recruitment Center.

It is recommended to check the official website of the Philippine Army or contact the nearest Philippine Army Recruitment Center for the most up-to-date information on the AFPSAT schedule, the results release and the list of Passers.

The AFPSAT Result 2023 has not yet been released. The latest announcement I can find is from August 27, 2023, where the Army Testing Office (ATO) announced the list of passers for the AFPSAT held on August 26-27, 2023 at the University of Mindanao, Digos City.

The ATO usually releases the AFPSAT results within 30 days after the exam. So, the AFPSAT Result 2023 is expected to be released sometime in September 2023.

You can check the ATO website or Facebook page for the latest updates on the AFPSAT Result 2023.

Here are the steps on how to check the AFPSAT Result 2023:

  1. Go to the ATO website or Facebook page.
  2. Click on the “AFPSAT Result 2023” link.
  3. Enter your registration number and date of birth.
  4. Click on the “Submit” button.

If you are a passer, you will be able to see your name on the list of passers. You will also be able to download your Individual Result Form (IRF).

If you are not a passer, you will not be able to see your name on the list of passers. However, you can still check your IRF to see your score and the areas where you need to improve.

AFPSAT Registration 2024 Eligibility :

The Registration for the Army Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test (AFPSAT) in 2024 is not available yet and my Knowledge Cutoff Date is . The Philippine Army usually opens registration for the AFPSAT twice a year, usually in the months of April and October. It is recommended to check the official website of the Philippine Army or contact the nearest Philippine Army Recruitment Center for the most up-to-date information on the schedule, requirements and the registration process for the AFPSAT.

To register for the AFPSAT, individuals must first meet the basic qualifications set by the Philippine Army, such as being a Filipino Citizen, of Good Moral Character, and having completed at least a High School Education. They will then need to submit an application and pass a series of physical and Medical Examinations.

AFPSAT 2024 Passing Score & Mechanics :

The Passing Score and Mechanics for the Army Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test (AFPSAT) may vary from year to year and my Knowledge Cut-Off Date is 2021. The AFPSAT is usually composed of multiple-choice questions that Assess the Examinees’ Abilities in areas such as math, English, general information, and leadership Potential. The Test is usually administered twice a year, usually in the Month of April and October.

The passing score for the AFPSAT is usually determined by the Philippine Army, and it may vary depending on the number of applicants and the difficulty of the test. Typically, a Passing score is set based on a Percentage of Correct Answers.

How to Check AFPSAT Results 2024

The process for checking the results of the Army Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test (AFPSAT) in 2024 may vary and my knowledge cut-off date is 2024. However, the results are usually posted on the official website of the Philippine Army ( or can be obtained by contacting the nearest Philippine Army Recruitment Center.

To check the results, individuals will typically need to have their AFPSAT reference number or other identifying information ready.

Here are the General Steps to Check the Results:

  1. Go to the Official Website of the Philippine Army
  2. Look for the “AFPSAT Results” or “Results” section on the homepage.
  3. Click on the link for the exam results you want to check.
  4. You may be prompted to enter your reference number or other identifying information.
  5. After submitting the required information, your results will be displayed on the screen.

It is Recommended to check the official website of the Philippine Army or contact the nearest Philippine Army Recruitment Center for the most up-to-date information on the Release of Results and for any queries about the Results.

Passing Score and Mechanics

AFPSAT Form A (30 September 2019 to Date)

Above Average B 71-91 PASSED
Below Average D 48-59 PASSING SCORE

AFPSAT Form B (17 April 2019 to Date)

Above Average B 88-109 PASSED
Below Average D 56-73 PASSING SCORE

FAQ’s on AFPSAT Result 2023

Q: What is AFPSAT?

  • A: AFPSAT stands for Armed Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test, which is a standardized exam administered by the AFP to measure the mental and academic abilities of aspiring applicants for Officer Candidate Course (OCC), Officer Preparatory Course (OPC), Candidate Soldier Course (CSC), and other AFP recruitment programs.

Q: When will the AFPSAT Result 2023 be released?

  • A: The exact release date of the AFPSAT Result 2023 is not yet available. However, the AFP usually announces the schedule of the exam and the result release on their official website and social media accounts. It is best to regularly check these platforms for updates.

Q: How can I check my AFPSAT Result 2023?

  • A: Once the AFPSAT Result 2023 is released, you can check your result on the official website of the AFP or through the recruitment department. You may need to provide your name, application number, or other personal information to access your result.

Q: What happens if I fail the AFPSAT?

  • A: Failing the AFPSAT does not necessarily mean that you cannot pursue a career in the military. However, it may limit your options and opportunities for recruitment programs. You can try to retake the exam or explore other career paths that suit your skills and interests.

Q: What happens if I pass the AFPSAT?

  • A: Passing the AFPSAT is a significant milestone for anyone who wants to join the AFP. However, it does not guarantee automatic admission to any of the recruitment programs. You may still need to undergo further assessments, interviews, and evaluations before being accepted into the program of your choice.

About AFPSAT :

AFPSAT stands for Armed Forces of the Philippines Service Aptitude Test. It is a standardized test administered by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) to assess the mental and physical aptitude of individuals who wish to join the military. The test consists of several sections that measure various aspects of an Individual’s Aptitude, such as numerical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Mechanical Reasoning, and General Knowledge. There are also physical fitness tests that measure an individual’s strength, endurance, and agility.

The AFPSAT is a Crucial Part of the military recruitment process as it helps the AFP determine the suitability of an individual for military service. The Results of the Test are used to determine the applicant’s eligibility and placement in the different branches of the military.

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