Technip Energies India Scholarship 2024 : Apply Online and Eligibility

Technip Energies India Scholarship 2024 : Apply Online & Eligibility :- The Technip Energies India Scholarship Program is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative that aims to support underprivileged female students in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). Under this scholarship program, female students from Delhi NCR (Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad), Bihar, Assam, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, and Maharashtra who are pursuing first-year studies in B.E./B.Tech. (Chemical, Electrical, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering) courses will be provided with a one-time scholarship grant of INR 30,000 to cover their academic expenses.

The scholarship program is in alignment with Technip Energies India’s commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Gender Equality. The program aims to promote gender diversity in the STEM workforce and to empower women to pursue higher education and careers in the field of engineering.

To be eligible for the Technip Energies India Scholarship Program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a female student from Delhi NCR (Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad), Bihar, Assam, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, or Maharashtra
  • Be currently enrolled in the first year of a B.E./B.Tech. (Chemical, Electrical, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering) program
  • Have scored at least 70% marks in Class 12
  • Have an annual family income of not more than INR 4,00,000 from all sources
  • Not be a child of an employee of Technip Energies or Buddy4Study

Interested students can apply for the scholarship online through the Buddy4Study website. The application deadline is usually in July each year.

The Technip Energies India Scholarship Program is a valuable opportunity for underprivileged female students to pursue their dreams of a career in engineering. The scholarship program provides much-needed financial assistance and helps to bridge the gender gap in the STEM workforce.

Technip Energies India Scholarship 2024 : Apply Online & Eligibility

Objective: To support underprivileged female students in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)


  • Female student from Delhi NCR (Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad), Bihar, Assam, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, or Maharashtra
  • Currently enrolled in the first year of a B.E./B.Tech. (Chemical, Electrical, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering) program
  • Scored at least 70% marks in Class 12
  • Annual family income of not more than INR 4,00,000 from all sources
  • Not a child of an employee of Technip Energies or Buddy4Study

Scholarship Amount: INR 30,000 one-time grant

Application Process: Online through Buddy4Study website

Application Deadline: Usually in July each year


  • Financial assistance to cover academic expenses
  • Encouragement to pursue higher education and careers in STEM
  • Promotion of gender diversity in the STEM workforce

Alignment with Technip Energies India’s CSR and UN Sustainable Development Goals:

  • ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles
  • Gender Equality

Overall Impact: Empowering underprivileged female students to pursue their STEM aspirations and contribute to a more inclusive and diverse STEM workforce.

The Objective of the Technip Energies India Scholarship

The Technip Energies India Scholarship Program is designed to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Financial Assistance for Underprivileged Female Students: The scholarship aims to provide financial support to underprivileged female students pursuing first-year B.E./B.Tech. programs in STEM fields. This assistance can help alleviate financial burdens and enable students to focus on their studies without worrying about financial constraints.

  2. Promoting Gender Diversity in STEM: The scholarship program seeks to encourage and empower female students to pursue STEM careers, thereby promoting gender diversity in a field that has traditionally been male-dominated.

  3. Enhancing Access to Higher Education: By providing financial support and encouragement, the scholarship program strives to increase access to higher education for female students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.

  4. Empowering Female Engineers: The scholarship aims to empower female students to pursue their STEM aspirations and contribute to the development of a more inclusive and diverse engineering workforce.

  5. Fulfilling CSR Commitments: Technip Energies India, through this scholarship program, demonstrates its commitment to corporate social responsibility and aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Gender Equality.

In summary, the Technip Energies India Scholarship Program is a multifaceted initiative that strives to address financial barriers, promote gender diversity, enhance access to education, empower women in STEM, and fulfill CSR commitments.

Highlights of Technip Energies India Scholarship

Launched By  Technip Energies India
Name of Scholarship  Technip Energies India Scholarship
Objective To financially support the students to cover their course fees
Benefits Financial Assistance up to Rs. 30,000.
Eligibility Criteria Girl students who are in 1st year of B.E or B.Tech
Mode of Application Online

Eligibility Criteria :

Here is a summary of the eligibility criteria for the Technip Energies India Scholarship Program:


  • Female students from Delhi NCR (Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad), Bihar, Assam, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, or Maharashtra


  • Currently enrolled in the first year of a B.E./B.Tech. (Chemical, Electrical, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering) program

  • Scored at least 70% marks in Class 12


  • Annual family income of not more than INR 4,00,000 from all sources


  • Not a child of an employee of Technip Energies or Buddy4Study

Please note that these eligibility criteria are subject to change. It is always recommended to check the latest eligibility requirements on the official Technip Energies India Scholarship website or by contacting the program organizers directly.

Eligible Course List

Students must enroll in B.E or B.Tech in following courses:

  • Chemical
  • Electrical
  • Civil
  • Mechanical Engineering.

Benefits of Technip Energies India Scholarship

The Technip Energies India Scholarship provides numerous benefits to eligible female students pursuing STEM careers. These benefits include:

Financial Assistance:

The scholarship grants a significant financial aid of INR 30,000 to help cover academic expenses. This assistance can alleviate the financial burden of tuition fees, hostel fees, books, stationery, and other educational costs, allowing students to focus on their studies without worrying about financial constraints.

Empowerment and Motivation:

Receiving the scholarship serves as a recognition of academic achievement and a source of empowerment for female students. It instills confidence and motivates them to continue pursuing their STEM aspirations, knowing that their efforts are valued and supported.

Career Advancement Opportunities:

The scholarship provides a valuable connection to Technip Energies India, a leading engineering company. This connection can open doors to internship opportunities, future employment prospects, and valuable industry insights.

Promoting Gender Diversity in STEM:

By supporting female students in STEM fields, the scholarship contributes to bridging the gender gap in the industry. This initiative promotes a more inclusive and diverse STEM workforce, fostering innovation and growth.

Fulfilling UN Sustainable Development Goals:

The Technip Energies India Scholarship aligns with the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Gender Equality. By empowering female students in STEM, the program contributes to achieving global goals of gender equality and access to quality education.

Overall Impact:

The Technip Energies India Scholarship program plays a significant role in empowering underprivileged female students to pursue their STEM dreams, contributing to a more inclusive and diverse STEM workforce and advancing the global agenda for gender equality.

Features of Technip Energies India Scholarship

The Technip Energies India Scholarship program offers several distinctive features that make it an attractive opportunity for eligible female students:

1. Financial Assistance to Overcome Financial Barriers: The scholarship provides a substantial one-time grant of INR 30,000, which can significantly alleviate the financial burden of pursuing higher education in STEM fields. This assistance can help students cover academic expenses, such as tuition fees, hostel fees, books, and stationery, allowing them to focus on their studies without worrying about financial constraints.

2. Emphasis on STEM Education: The scholarship specifically targets female students pursuing first-year B.E./B.Tech. programs in Chemical, Electrical, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering. This focus on STEM disciplines aligns with the growing demand for skilled engineers in these fields and encourages female participation in a traditionally male-dominated industry.

3. Eligibility Criteria Focused on Merit and Need: The scholarship considers both academic merit and financial need, ensuring that it reaches the most deserving and deserving candidates. This balance ensures that the scholarship not only rewards academic excellence but also empowers underprivileged female students with the financial support they need to succeed.

4. Alignment with ESG Principles and UN Sustainable Development Goals: The Technip Energies India Scholarship program demonstrates the company’s commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Gender Equality. This alignment reflects the company’s dedication to social responsibility and its efforts to promote gender diversity in the STEM workforce.

5. Empowerment and Motivation for Female Students: Receiving the scholarship serves as a significant recognition of academic achievement and a source of empowerment for female students. It instills confidence, motivates them to continue pursuing their STEM aspirations, and encourages them to break down gender barriers in the field.

6. Potential Career Advancement Opportunities: The Technip Energies India Scholarship provides a valuable connection to a leading engineering company. This connection can open doors to internship opportunities, future employment prospects, and valuable industry insights.

Overall, the Technip Energies India Scholarship program stands out as a comprehensive and impactful initiative that effectively addresses the challenges faced by underprivileged female students pursuing STEM careers. By providing financial assistance, promoting STEM education, emphasizing merit and need, aligning with ESG principles and UN SDGs, and empowering female students, the program plays a significant role in fostering gender diversity and advancing the future of STEM.

Required Documents
  • Photograph of the applicant
  • Bank account details
  • Family income proof
  • Class 12 mark sheet
  • A government-issued identity proof
  • Current year admission proof
Reward Details

Selected students will get financial assistance of up to Rs. 30,000 to cover all their educational expenses.

Selection Process
  • Selection of candidates will be given on the basis of candidates’ academic recordss, eligibility criteria, and documents submitted with the application form.
  • After document submission, there will be a Telephone interview session.

Technip Energies India Scholarship Apply Online 2024

The Technip Energies India Scholarship application period for the academic year 2023-24 has closed. The application deadline was typically in July 2023. The program is expected to reopen for applications for the academic year 2024-25.

Once the application period opens, you can apply online through the Buddy4Study website. The application process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Create an account on Buddy4Study or log in to your existing account.

  2. Click on the “Apply Now” button for the Technip Energies India Scholarship program.

  3. Fill out the online application form, providing accurate and complete information about your academic background, personal details, and financial circumstances.

  4. Upload the required documents, such as your Class 12 mark sheet, family income proof, and government-issued identity proof.

  5. Review your application carefully and ensure all information is correct.

  6. Submit the application form.

Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the scholarship selection committee. You will be notified of the outcome of your application within a specified timeframe.

Please note that the specific application dates and requirements may vary from year to year. It is always recommended to check the official Technip Energies India Scholarship website or contact the program organizers directly for the most up-to-date information and application procedures.

FAQs :

Q1. Who is eligible for the Technip Energies India Scholarship?

A. To be eligible for the Technip Energies India Scholarship, you must be:

  • A female student from Delhi NCR (Ghaziabad, Noida, Gurugram, Faridabad), Bihar, Assam, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, or Maharashtra
  • Currently enrolled in the first year of a B.E./B.Tech. (Chemical, Electrical, Civil, and Mechanical Engineering) program
  • Scored at least 70% marks in Class 12
  • Have an annual family income of not more than INR 4,00,000 from all sources
  • Not a child of an employee of Technip Energies or Buddy4Study

Q2. What is the application process for the Technip Energies India Scholarship?

A. The application process for the Technip Energies India Scholarship is typically as follows:

  1. Create an account on Buddy4Study or log in to your existing account.
  2. Click on the “Apply Now” button for the Technip Energies India Scholarship program.
  3. Fill out the online application form, providing accurate and complete information about your academic background, personal details, and financial circumstances.
  4. Upload the required documents, such as your Class 12 mark sheet, family income proof, and government-issued identity proof.
  5. Review your application carefully and ensure all information is correct.
  6. Submit the application form.

Q3. What is the scholarship amount?

A. The Technip Energies India Scholarship provides a one-time grant of INR 30,000 to help cover academic expenses.

Q4. When is the application deadline for the Technip Energies India Scholarship?

A. The application deadline for the Technip Energies India Scholarship is typically in July of each year.

Q5. How are scholarship recipients selected?

A. Scholarship recipients are selected based on their academic merit, financial need, and overall application.

Q6. What are the benefits of receiving the Technip Energies India Scholarship?

A. The benefits of receiving the Technip Energies India Scholarship include:

  • Financial assistance to cover academic expenses
  • Empowerment and motivation to pursue STEM careers
  • Potential career advancement opportunities
  • Recognition of academic achievement
  • Alignment with ESG principles and UN Sustainable Development Goals

Q7. Who can I contact for more information about the Technip Energies India Scholarship?

A. You can contact Buddy4Study for more information about the Technip Energies India Scholarship. You can also visit the Technip Energies India website or the Buddy4Study website for more information.

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